OneSky Community Resources
We are pleased to announce that OneSky has, once again, achieved a Three-Year Accreditation (the highest outcome possible) with CARF International, attesting that the services we provide continue to meet the highest international standards
A survey team from CARF International* visited OneSky December 5, 2023 – December 8, 2023 to conduct a site survey where we demonstrated that our programs continue to meet the 2,600 standards around health & safety, person-centred services, and good business practices. The survey report details what we are doing well and ways we might improve. We are especially proud to have received recognition for exemplary conformance for the Board of Directors’ work on Truth and Reconciliation.
Thanks to all OneSky Community Resources staff, who, as evidenced in the report, are dedicated to providing excellent services to the people in our communities.
As a step towards accreditation, OneSky Community Resources invites CARF International to send a team of professionals, called surveyors, to visit our site sand evaluate our services for quality. The surveyors consult with staff members and interview people who use our services Based on the surveyors’ review, we may be awarded accreditation for a term of one or three years.
If you would like to talk with one of the survey team members or want to learn more about CARF International, please let one of our staff members know. You may also contact CARF International directly.
Visit CARF International for more information about CARF.