OneSky Community Resources
Community-based programs that offer a variety of quality services enabling children to reach their greatest potential.
A mobile resource for families with young children living within the Lower Similkameen Indian Band, Osoyoos Indian Band and Upper Similkameen Indian Band communities. All families living in these communities can access these services.
The Nqsilt EYC Aboriginal Hub provides support in a culturally safe way for families to access early childhood services and other supports for young families.
The Nqsilt Early Years Facilitator visits each community weekly, participating in programs for children and families, visiting families and meeting with band service providers. Some programs may be offered in the evening; most often the Nqsilt Early Years Facilitator will visit the communities during the week day.
Early Years Support Services works in partnership with, MCFD Child & Youth Mental Health, BGC Okanagan, Upper Similkameen Indian Band, Lower Similkameen Indian Band, and the Osoyoos Indian Band.
Families can refer their child directly, or they may be referred by community partners. Participation in Early Years Support Services is voluntary and services are provided for free, however, some services that we refer families to may have their own fees.