OneSky Community Resources
We provide a variety of supports within School District 67 that help students and their families stay connected and be successful in school. From alternative classrooms to family outreach, our youth workers and counsellors help with the acquisition of basic academic, social and coping skills that lead to success in and out of the classroom.
This service is for families of elementary school children who are experiencing severe behaviour issues in the classroom. Families are supported with skills to help them at home, in school and in the community.
Building on family and student strengths, the service supports students to:
Services may include:
This program helps middle school students and their families to develop skills to enable students to participate more effectively in school, home and community, increase positive interactions with peers and increase personal awareness, self esteem and sense of competence.
Building on family and student strengths, the service supports parents and students with information about available community services, parenting skills, planning and implementing strategies as well as liaising with school personnel and community professionals.
These academic programs are for high school students who have not experienced success within the traditional secondary school system. They combine academic work and social experience for youth having difficulty in regular school programs.
Families are referred by school personnel for all school based support services.